ScribePost: Introduction of Urinary System (May 5)
Ok so today we started off with a pop quiz which was on the bolded words and the funtions of the urinary system found in 16.1 which is pages 304 to the top of 306
Functions of the Urinary System
- there are 4
Excretion of Metabolic Wastes
- this is the toxins leaving your body (nitrogenous wastes).
We started talking about survivorman and how you need to filter your pee before you can drink it if you ever happen to need to hydrate yourself and don't have water. For those of you not in physics who have not seen this video it's about a waterbottle which can filter out anything that is not smaller then 15 nm (nanometers). It's being used in third world countries so maybe an idea for St Mary's mission next year? Anyways here's the video if you want to check it out
Maitenance of Water-Salt Balance
-too much water = higher blood pressure = micturition
Maitenance of Acid-Base Balance
- excrete hydrogen ions but keep bicarbonate ions to make acid (which is why urine has a pH of 6 or lower)
Secretion of Hormones
-renin and erythropoetin
It was asked if high blood pressure caused a person to urinate more often so I researched it and there are no symptoms I could find on any medical website that said that urination occurred more often
Here is a diagram of the Urinary system similar to the one that's found in our textbook (page 305)
The 4 main organs are
- Kidneys
- Ureters
- Urinary Bladder
- Urethra
What I found most interesting in class was about the kidney stones. A kidney stone is a build up of iodine crystals which block the urethra causing you not to be able to pee and causes pressure on your bladder. You might remember a certain friends episode...
As Joey showed us it is very painful to pass kidney stones so I thought it would be good to get some prevention tips
Lastly we learnt about the actual urination.
- stretch receptors in wall of bladder expand
- it can hold up to 250 ml of urine
- motor impulse from spinal cord causes contraction
- micturition reflex occurs
The reflex is controlled more as we reach adulthood but as Mr Mac said with the dumbell analogy you can only hold your pee for so long.
The power point goes into more detail but as of late is not yet up on the downloads page so keep checking.
We're discussing the Nephron next class which FOR SURE is going to be on the exam either a long or short answer so make sure you pay attention next class. If you want a head start the reading of it starts on page 306 and its a couple pages of reading.
Hey great job! i really liked how you had the friend episode.
good job shea. i think thats a good summary of the functions of the urinary system!
i wasnt here for this class but that really helped me catch up thanks shea!
I wasn't in class either, but good post Shea!
I will attemp to understand
Did anybody recognize the doctor from another show???
shea i love it!! the videos are awesome.. wish i could have figured this out!
GOOD JOB SHEA! i'm loving the friends episode you put on there.
Shea, that was a really good post and is very helpful because I missed the end of this class. I really liked how you included videos that related to what we're learning
Great Post Shea, you summarized what we learned in class really well, I also like that you embbeded the videos!
Great Post Shea, you summarized what we learned in class really well, I also like that you embbeded the videos!
Nice job Shea. I liked the episode of Friends. I also liked the way you summarized everything too.
*cough...overachiever...*cough awesome post, the lifesaver bottle is really cool. Your whole post was super thorough :)
hey the doctor is principal figgins from glee!
great job shea!
i liked how many videos you put in here. you did a good job of breaking everything down too :)
p.s love the friends episode !
wow, good post. unfortunately my computer sucks and takes like 8 hours to load a short video so I couldn't watch the ones you posted, but they seemed to be pretty relevant and useful.
also, I remember hearing about this a while ago and was reminded of it last class..
I guess its really not worth it to hold your wee for a wii
REALLY great job, Shea! I'm really enjoying how you girls are relating what we talk about in class to TV shows. It'll give you a nice foundation to remember things.
great post ! that life saver thing is pretty cool and i liked the friends episode
wow nicely done! great vids
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