Scribepost: April 23
So, on Friday we learned about the Thyroid Glands and talked about the Adrenal Glands.
-TSH is produced in response to hypothalamic releasing factor
>increase metabolic rate
>Stimulate all body cells
>More glucose is utilized to form ATP
>Necessary for normal growth and nervous system function
>Iodine deficiency causes simple goiter
-Then we learned about the 3 different disorders that were related to the thyroid.

Abnormal thyroid development
-Short, stocky body type
-Severe hypothyroidism
-Mental retardation
-Treatment must begin in first 8 weeks of life
On the left is the scull of a person who was a cretin and on the right is the scull of a regular person.

2. Myxedema
Hypothyroidism in adults
-weight gain
-loss of hair
On the left is what this man would look like with mxyedema and on the right is what the man would look like with average thyroid production.

-Exophthalmic goiter
-Edema behind eyes causes bulging
Also this link is kind of cool and kind of gross if you guys want to check it out.
But anyways, linking this to real life. I was watching house on Monday, so yesterday night. They were talking about some kind of a disease that had to do with the adrenal glands, they went on to do a CAT scan, where they needed to look closely at the medulla oblongata. It was pretty cool that we actually learned about that stuff, and I sort of knew what they were talking about.
The power point is on the internet now, if you guys haven't downloaded it yet the link is